
Welcome to the Primary Wing

Exploring, Learning, Growing

Our focus: We help children enjoy learning, become responsible, and care for others and the world around them.

Building strong foundations: We give students the skills and values they need to succeed in life. This means becoming independent, courageous, kind, and knowledgeable learners.

Beyond academics:Life skills, sports, work experience, and adventure activities are a key part of our program.

Our curriculum (Grades 1-5): We follow the CBSE curriculum, with expert teachers in each subject. We also prioritise arts, sports, technology, and practical skills.

How we evaluate students: We use a system called Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE). This means we track progress all year round, find areas for improvement, and help each child reach their potential.

Holistic Approach

We believe in holistic education, where learning goes beyond academics. Our approach is to foster not just intellectual, but also social, emotional, and physical development of each student.

Academic Rigor

Our curriculum is comprehensive, encompassing a wide range of subjects including languages, mathematics, science, social studies, and more, all tailored to engage and challenge young minds.

Interactive Classrooms

Our classrooms are dynamic spaces equipped with modern educational technology, encouraging interactive and engaging learning experiences.

School Highlights

Physical Activities